Prevention of sudden death in sport
The death of well known athletes during or little after taking part in sport activities has a major impact in the media, and besides being a terrible tragedy for those closer to the affected athlete and the sport, it produces social alarm and rises the following question: how is it possible that an apparently healthy athlete undergoing continuous medical evaluations can lose their life while practising a supposedly healthy activity?
At USP Araba Sport Clinic we consider that part of the solution lies in prevention, and we do our best to offer athletes of all levels the most complete screening tests, carried out by highly qualified specialists, such as our sport cardiologist Dr. Angel Alonso.
Angel was interviewed this week by Diario de Noticias de Álava on the subject of sudden death in sport and its prevention.
Here is the interview (in Spanish), hoping that we all understand the importance of safe sport practice.
Read the interview (PDF): El camino hacia un deporte más seguro