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Iñigo Mujika

Physiology & Training

My books

Cover of Endurance Training Sciencie and Practice segunda edición

Endurance Training - Science and Practice (2nd edition)

145,00 €

2nd edition, hard cover, 469 pages.

Foreword by Kilian Jornet.

Endurance Training - Science and Practice is a comprehensive and accessible guide for exercise and sport scientists, students, coaches and athletes who want to know all the intricacies of preparing for and adapting to endurance activity. This second edition is essentially a completely new book that represents a substantial advance in knowledge and practical experience, and reflects the growth of the field since the publication of the original edition in 2012.

Cover of Endurance Training - Infographic Edition

Endurance Training - Infographic Edition (PDF)

50 €

.pdf file (11 Mb.)

Endurance Training – Infographic Edition is an easy-reading infographic version of Endurance Training – Science and Practice (1st edition).

Copyright © Iñigo Mujika, Yann Le Meur.

All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other means, now known or hereafter invented, without the written permission of the Publisher.



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Cover of El Afinamiento Precompetitivo, by Iñigo Mujika

El afinamiento precompetitivo

20,00 €

El afinamiento precompetitivo es una de las fases esenciales de la preparación física de un deportista, que hace referencia a los últimos días o semanas previos a una competición deportiva importante. La dificultad de este periodo crucial reside en el equilibrio que deben encontrar el entrenador o el preparador físico entre el descanso necesario para disminuir la fatiga acumulada por el deportista y los estímulos necesarios para alcanzar un rendimiento óptimo.

Lehiaketa aurreko zorrozketa

Lehiaketa Aurreko Zorrozketa

20,00 €


Lehiaketa aurreko zorrozketa kirolari baten prestaketa fisikoaren funtsezko fase bat da, kirol lehiaketa garrantzitsu baten aurreko azken egun edo asteei dagokiena. Garai erabakigarri honen zailtasun nagusia entrenatzaileak edo prestatzaile fisikoak bi faktoreren artean aurkitu behar duen orekan datza: alde batetik, kirolariak metatu duen nekea murrizteko behar duen atsedena, eta bestetik, bere errendimendurik onena lortu ahal izateko behar dituen estimuluak.

Tapering and Peaking for Optimal Performance

Tapering and Peaking for Optimal Performance provides an in-depth discussion of the science, strategy and programme design of the tapering phase of training. This book, the first ever dedicated to this subject, presents current scientific data on tapering, its physiological and psychological effects, and the relationship of these effects to athletic performance. Presenting various training models and experience-based knowledge, this book enables readers to design optimal tapering programmes for each athlete.

Recovery for Performance in Sport

“Recovery for Performance in Sport” is a book I edited alongside my colleague and good friend Christophe Hausswirth, Senior Physiologist at the French Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance (INSEP) since 1995.

The book contains 17 chapters written by more than 30 international experts and provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date scientific and practical information about recovery in sport. In addition, readers can find case studies describing recovery strategies that have been used successfully by world-class sport scientists, coaches and athletes. These case studies complement nicely the scientific information contained in the book and bring such information to the context of real life training and competition situations.

Portada de L'Affutage



The tapering period is one of the essential phases in an athlete's physical preparation, lasting from the last days to the last weeks before a major sporting event. The difficulty of this crucial period lies in the balance that the coach or physical trainer has to strike between the rest needed to reduce accumulated fatigue and the stimulation required to achieve optimum performance.

When should it start? What is the most effective strategy? What factors need to be taken into account to adapt it to each athlete? What gains can be expected?

World Book of Swimming: From Science to Performance

World Book of Swimming: From Science to Performance


World Book of Swimming: From Science to Performance collects the most up-to-date information on applied swimming science, with contributions from the world's leading experts in all areas relevant to performance, but also translates that information into simple language for the improvement of swimming training. In other words, this book puts research at the service of training, theory at the service of practice.

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